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Interested in serving on the Board of Registrars?


Board of Registrars

There is a vacancy on the Board of Registrars. Both the Democratic and Republican Town Committees have been asked (as the law requires) to submit three names of candidates for the Town to consider. The term of one other member is expiring, but they are willing to serve again.  We must vote to submit the names

If this is something you might be interested in, please feel free to contact or Town Clerk Mike Bouchard ( for any questions about what the role involves. Pre-Covid, the Democratic members of the Board have spearheaded the initiatives to hold voter registration drives at the high school. When things go well this is not a heavy lifting job, (and we have an excellent town clerk who runs things by the book), but when we have hanging chads, recounts, or ballots that oops turn up in a closet, having good people on the board is crucial. 

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